Jacketbound updated

Well - its been overdue - but here is an update - if only a simple one - to the website.
A few kind people have sent in some great clips so they are here for everybody to see on www.jacketbound.com

So - I hope you enjoy the small update and can only promise to do more updates soon - its quite a challenge managing this site and takes a lot of work - but i hope its worth it.
Another off-topic comment, but I wondered about the red/orange SJ here. It's from KUB Industries in Pakistan, yeah? I wondered a) how much it cost, including postage & packing, and b) what you thought of it.
Hi there
Yeah - the jacket is from Kub in Pakistan - and i see that somebody in the states is doing quite an in-depth analysis of them on youtube at the moment.
the jackets are wekk made - they had a couple of flaws early on - but after chatting extensively with them they have improved and modified those points.
i could go into detail - but i hope to identify ll these on the jacketbound website soon when we start selling them
but as a guide - the orange and red leather sj i have on in some of the shots - is leather lined and has locking straps - and costs around £460.00
other styles etc are available - but if you want to know more let me know and we can chat in more detail - or stay tuned for the website - there should be a new issue soon featuring those jackets inclduing selling them in the shop too
hope that helps
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