Thursday, March 16, 2006

Leather fun

It still amazes me how much fun you can get into by yourself - even if you do get stuck at the end and have to wait for release - as happened the other day

I wanted to have some straightjacket fun as its been a long time - so climbed into a pair of leather jeans, then my straightjacket. Before pulling the various straps together I managed to strap my ankles, knees (above and below) quite tightly together with some of the spare straps from the straightjacket.

Then with some careful manipulation - I got the jacket done up nice and tight by myself, got my arms threded through the side straps of the jacket and hooked the arm straps together. I was nice and secure.

I enjoyed the sensations for quite some time until I came to try and release myself.

I had gone that little bit too far and was finding it almost impossibel to get out.

Knowing that help would walk through the door in about an hour I decided aganist getting hotter and hooter trying to get out and just enjoy the peace and quiet.

Oh what fun.

Relaunch going well

Well - its only been two days but already the new update of the website is going well

Since the new promo video went up its had over 500 downloads in two days. Not bad. And considering that this update only has that video to see - and the next update already has two videos - i hope people will keep coming back and back.

Which leads me on to a debatable point.

I set up this website to try and get a place which hosted the best videos around - for those who like straightjackets and other associated bondage and fetish things. This was two years back - and i purchased server space to test what i coukld do - as this would be my first website and also see what feedback i got - people may hate everything about it for all i know.

Now later this year I have to decide wether to keep the site going or not.

Which is why for now I am trying to get n update every four weeks or so, to test peoples interest once more. And so far so good.

But if I decide to carry the site on I have a potential rethink for the site. I will have to pay out some money to keep a server going for the site, which will cost me money. So how do I fund this. Well one option, and the most obvious is to make part of the site a members only area, and charge for either a single download, or a monthly / yearly membership. I favour the latter.

So - if anybody reads this blog - what would your reaction be to paying for access to my site. If it cost you say £3.00 to £5.00 a month or £30 to £50 a year to join and you were gaurenteed a monthly update with bigger abd better content on the site - would you pay?

Its an interesting debate as in my experience on the web - i pay off and on for certain sites, provided they have updated content, but I chat with a lot of people who use to web to find free things and are against any sort of commercialism on the web.

Well although this may become a members only pay site, any charges would only go towards server costs related to the site.

I would love to hear any feedback on this - either here - or via email

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Back up and Rolling again

We are back

Its been a while since had an update - but its here at least - and the next is already prepared and waiting to go.

The plan now is to try and give a gaurenteed update on a regular basis, so have a look over at and keep up to date with new updates.