Sunday, December 31, 2006

I want these suits

Every so often you find some pictures on the net and you see something and just think - wow.

well - i found some

to start with - some pictures of a guy who really likes his layering. So much so that he has some great suits. Two in particular jump out. One I think is a blackstyle suit. You can see this suit in the following pictures.

The other heavier back zip one is unknown. Does anybody know what this suit is and where i can get one?

If anybody can identify this suit please let me know

These pics are from a great site -

its brilliant - with some stunning photos - but alas has not been updated for a while - fingers crossed it gets one in the new year


Great Blog

If you have yet to discover the delights of one of the UK's kinkiest guys, then visit his blog over at

He is into so many things and seems to be always playing - keep his blog bookmarked as he seems to be updating it on a very regular basis.

one of the best blogs around - keep up the good work Straightjacketed!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Jacketbound updated

Well - its been overdue - but here is an update - if only a simple one - to the website.

A few kind people have sent in some great clips so they are here for everybody to see on

So - I hope you enjoy the small update and can only promise to do more updates soon - its quite a challenge managing this site and takes a lot of work - but i hope its worth it.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year